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Inorganic halide perovskites CsPbX3 (X = I, Br) have attracted tremendous attention in solar cell applications. However, the bulk form of the cubic phase CsPbX3, which offers moderate direct bandgaps, is metastable at room temperature and tends to transform into a tetragonal or orthorhombic phase. Here, our density functional theory calculation results found that the surface energies of the cubic phase are smaller than those of the orthorhombic phase, although the bulk counterpart of the cubic phase is less stable than that of the orthorhombic phase. These results suggest a surface stabilization strategy to maintain the stability of the cubic phase at room temperature that an enlarged portion of surfaces shall change the relative stability of the two phases in nanostructured CsPbX3. This strategy, which may potentially solve the long-standing stability issue of cubic CsPbX3, was demonstrated to be feasible by our calculations in zero-, one-, and two-dimensional nanostructures. In particular, confined sizes from few to tens of nanometers could keep the cubic phase as the most thermally favored form at room temperature. Our predicted values in particular cases, such as the zero-dimensional form of CsPbI3, are highly consistent with experimental values, suggesting that our model is reasonable and our results are reliable. These predicted critical sizes give the upper and lower limits of the confined sizes, which may guide experimentalists to synthesize these nanostructures and promote likely practical applications such as solar cells and flexible displays using CsPbX3 nanostructures.
Organic–inorganic hybridized perovskite solar cells have recently attracted tremendous attention[1–11] because of its high power conversion efficiency (PCE),[12] low cost,[4,6,13] and manufacturing feasibility.[1,14,15] While its PCE reaches 23.7%[12] only 9 years after the first reported 3.8% in 2009,[16,17] its thermal stability issue under ultraviolet light illumination,[18] in moisture environment,[19] or at high temperatures[20] is still a challenge to the whole community. Organic–inorganic hybridize perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 (MAPbI3) tends to dissociate into volatile NH3 and CH3I gases[21] and PbI2[20,22] solid under those mentioned conditions. Unfortunately, PbI2 has a larger bandgap compared with CH3NH3PbI3, which leads to largely reduced PCEs in perovskite solar cells. This instability was believed to be one of the most challenging issues in commercialization of perovskite solar cells.
Efforts from all aspects,such as newly designed cell architectures, substantially optimized morphology, or introduced protecting layers, have been exhaustively made to solve this issue,[13,24–27] among which large-size inorganic cations[28,29] appear to play an active role. It was found that mixing MA with larger cations, such as Cs+, can improve the photo- and thermal-stabilities of the perovskite solar cells.[29] As a result, CsPbIxBr3−x or CsPbI3 shows better thermal and moisture stabilities with a reasonably high PCE of ∼10%[30–32] and a large open-circuit voltage of 1.23 V.[33] These pioneering attempts suggest another route to build practical solar cells that uses purely inorganic perovskites, like CsPbX3 (X=I, Br). Another issue, however, arises that the cubic phase of inorganic perovskites, with moderate direct bandgaps of ∼1.7–2.0 eV and thus offering the highest performance of light absorption among all allotropes of CsPbX3, is more stable at higher temperatures while their bulk form undergoes a transition to an orthorhombic phase (Pnma) at 578 K[34] for CsPbI3 and 360 K[17] for CsPbBr3 or to a tetragonal phase at 403 K[17] for CsPbBr3. The room temperature orthorhombic phase has a much larger indirect bandgap, such as 2.6 eV for CsPbI3,[34] compared with that of the cubic phase, which, consequently, reduces the PCE, such as 0.09% for CsPbI3,[35] and light absorption coefficient.
However, the stability of the cubic phase could be enhanced by downsizing its size to nanoscale where the surface energy dominates, as illustrated by CsPbI3 nanocrystals[36,37] or quantum dots[33] which maintained the cubic phase for months under ambient conditions. Here, we thus comprehensively investigated the role of surface energy in tuning the cubic to orthorhombic phase transition using first-principles calculations. We considered the differences of surface energies of both the cubic and the orthorhombic phases. It turns out that the cubic phase has a higher total energy for its bulk but the surface energies of its solids are substantially lower than those of the orthorhombic phase. These competitive interactions thus lead to a reduced critical temperature for the cubic to orthorhombic phase transition if the surface ratio is enlarged. We have considered zero-, one-, and two-dimensional nanostructures while the bulk forms of both CsPbI3 and CsPbBr3 could be stabilized at room temperature if the crystal size is small enough. Given size and temperature dependent phase diagrams, we found characteristic sizes of 7.8–18.0 nm, 3.0–10.0 nm, 1.3–4.8 nm for 0D (nanocrystal), 1D (nanowire) and 2D (nano-plates) CsPbI3, respectively, while the corresponding values are 14.0–71.9 nm, 9.7–48.3 nm, and 5.4–24.6 nm for CsPbBr3. With the confined sizes smaller than these critical values, the cubic phase becomes the most stable phase at room temperature in CsPbX3 nanostructures. These findings offer a feasible route to stabilize the cubic phase and to utilize these materials in solar cell applications.
Our density functional theory (DFT) calculations were performed using the generalized gradient approximation for the exchange–correlation potential, the projector augmented wave method,[38,39] and a plane-wave basis set as implemented in the Vienna ab-initio simulation package (VASP).[40,41] Van der Waals interactions were considered by a pairwise potential in the Grimme’s 10 form (D3)[42,43] with the Becke–Jonson (BJ) form[43] for the damping function (DFT-D3-BJ). Kinetic energy cutoffs for the plane-wave basis sets were set at 600 eV and 400 eV for geometry relaxations and energy calculations, respectively. The shapes and volumes of each cell were fully optimized for bulk counterparts and all atoms were allowed to relax until the residual force on each atom was less than 0.01 eV/Å. A Γ centered 9×9×9 k-mesh was used for sampling the Brillouin zone (BZ) for the cubic phases of both materials, while k-meshes of 5×11×3 and 7×7×5 were adopted to sample the BZs of the orthorhombic phases for CsPbI3 and CsPbBr3, respectively.
For CsPbBr3, a tetragonal phase emerges between the cubic and orthorhombic phases when the temperature is in a range from 360 K to 403 K. For simplicity, we only considered the cubic and orthorhombic phases for CsPbBr3 in this work, consistent with the two phases discussed in CsPbI3. We considered nine surfaces for each CsPbX3 in comparison of their surface energies, as shown in Fig.
![]() | Table 2.
Surface energies of CsPbI3. . |
The surface energy is derived using
![]() | Table 3.
Surface energies of CsPbBr3. . |
At a certain temperature, the stability of the cubic phase in a nanostructure was compared with the orthorhombic phase in the same nanostructure with conserved number of atoms. Here, the free energy determines the relative stability, which includes three energy terms
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Two nanostructures at the phase transition point share the same free energy FNano. Thus we can obtain the transition temperature by calculating the volume normalized difference (
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![]() | Table 1.
Lattice parameters of bulk CsPbI3 and CsPbBr3 and relative errors comparing with the experimental values. . |
In terms of CsPbBr3, each Pb is again octahedrally coordinated by six I atoms, however, no chain is formed and these (PbBr6)2− octahedra are continuously connected, and are slightly tilting, along all of the lattice directions forming a 3D framework, as shown in Figs.
We further considered the surface energies of these phases. Energies of the surfaces Cubic(001)-asym (Fig.
Apparently, surfaces of the cubic phase are more stable than those of the orthorhombic phase, which, again, indicates that reduced dimensions down to nanoscale could stabilize the cubic phase at room temperature. There are two terminations of surface Cubic(001), namely Cubic(001)-PbI and Cubic(001)-CsI, whose energies are in ranges from −20.4 meV/Å2 (I rich, Cs deficient) to 59.4 meV/Å2 (I rich, Pb deficient) and −39.8 meV/Å2 (I rich, Pb deficient) to 39.9 meV/Å2 (I rich, Cs deficient), respectively. Therefore, the exact surface energy of one of the surfaces is even smaller than their averaged value of 9.6 meV/Å2, which leads to underestimated surface stability of the cubic phase. In terms of cubic CsPbBr3, the CsPbBr3 Cubic(001)-asym surface was used to consider the surface energy of cubic CsPbBr3, which gives an surface energy of 10.9 meV/Å2, slightly larger than that of the cubic CsPbI3. The orthorhombic phase of CsPbBr3 appears differently from that of cubic CsPbI3, for which, we used asymmetric (001) and (110) surfaces, see Figs.
Given these surface energies, we are ready to discuss the stability of CsPbX3 nanocrystals with different surface energies and surface/bulk ratios of the number atoms. In terms of one-dimensional nanostructures—i.e., nanowires—we considered five cross-section shapes for the cubic phase, as shown in Figs.
The (110) surface of the cubic phase is depicted in Fig.
As mentioned earlier, the exact surface energy of the Cubic(001) surface is over estimated. Therefore, we consider two extremes of the (001) surface of the cubic phase, namely 9.6 meV/Å2 and 0 meV/Å2. The exact surface energy should be in between these two extremes while the former extreme corresponds to the minimum-size limit (red curves in Fig.
It is interesting that the critical sizes of structural phase transitions decrease with the increase of dimensions. This is straightforward to be understood that all these phase transitions are originated from energy competitions of bulk and surfaces of these two phases. The higher the dimension, the smaller the critical size. The numbers of exposed surfaces in 0D nanoparticles, 1D nanowires, and 2D nanoplates are 6, 4 and 2, respectively, leading to the decreased surface/bulk ratio with respect to the increasing dimensions. As a result, CsPbX3 nanoparticles in the cubic phase shall show the excellent stability at room temperature. Indeed, there are several very recent experiments reporting potential applications of CsPbX3 quantum dots or nanowires in solar cell and light emission.[48] Another noticeable phenomenon lies in the critical sizes of phase transitions for CsPbBr3 usually being larger than the corresponding CsPbI3 counterpart, which could be, again, explained by the smaller energy difference between the two phases of their bulk forms; i.e., 0.11 eV (CsPbBr3) versus 0.29 eV (CsPbI3). The larger energy difference in CsPbI3 means that it needs much more surface efforts to stabilize the cubic phase of CsPbI3 than that of CsPbBr3. The phase diagrams here give the reference parameters for the stabilization of cubic CsPbX3 in different dimensions.
In summary, this work proposes a strategy that stabilizes the meta-stable cubic phase of CsPbX3 at room temperature. Density functional theory calculations were employed to illustrate the feasibility of the strategy by comparing surface and bulk energies of the cubic and orthorhombic phases with varied surface/bulk ratios. The predicted critical thickness of 2D CsPbI3 nano-plates that could stabilize the cubic phase—i.e., 1.3–4.8 nm—is slightly too thin for light absorption while that of CsPbBr3—i.e., 5.4–24.6 nm—may be adopted in portable or flexible display. However, the moderate sizes of the nanoparticle (7.8–71.9 nm) and nanowire (3–48.3 nm) forms appear highly promising in applications of solar cells, flexible displays, among others. In light of this, our results go one-step towards solving the long-standing stability issue of CsPbX3 and may promote practical applications of nanostructured CsPbX3.
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